Airlines with the Best Wi Fi and Inflight Tech

When you’re traveling, you have the same tech needs as you do on the ground. Advances in airline technology mean that frequent travelers can keep up with email, games, and television while they are in flight. Sean Seshadri, tech blogger and experienced traveler, lists the best Wi-Fi and tech perks you can find on airlines around the world.

Wi-Fi connectivity enables you to keep in touch with your friends and family or with your office. Live TV is informative and entertaining. Many airlines also offer movies and games. Finally, it’s important to be able to charge your devices. Sean Seshadri has compared 5 top airlines, both domestic and international, and rated their in-flight technology options.

Sean Seshadri

1. Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways has reliable in-flight Wi-Fi. Passengers may use the Wi-Fi for free for one hour, and access unlimited service for only $10. In-seat power and USB ports are available to keep all of your devices charged. The planes are also equipped with the ability to send in-flight SMS messages. Hundreds of movies and TV shows are available, though the airline does not feature live TV.

2. Emirates

Emirates has onboard Wi-Fi at a reasonable rate. You can charge your device in your seat using the AC and USB ports. Similar to Qatar Airways, Emirates also offers SMS messaging and phone calls. Emirates offers live TV and thousands of entertainment channels including games.

3. Delta Airlines

Delta has the best technology package available on any American airline. The planes are equipped with 15Mbps Wi-Fi. An unlimited Wi-Fi package is available for $16. Onboard USB outlets enable you to charge your phone and laptop. Mobile WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage are free. Delta has also invested in new seat-back touch screens for many domestic and international flights. The airline offers 12 channels of live TV.

4. British Airways

British Airways has a solid lineup of entertainment and communication options. The airline is rolling out Wi-Fi on all of its long-haul flights. The airline has two tiers of service for connectivity: Simply Connect, a slower speed meant for email and web browsing, and Connect Plus, a faster service that is suitable for streaming video. Simply Connect costs $18 for a full flight, and Connect Plus costs $30. In-seat power is available. While text messaging is possible on the plane, there is no live TV available.

5. JetBlue Airways

Another American airline in the top five is budget carrier JetBlue. JetBlue has a surprising array of tech features available on a low-cost airline. WiFi is free for the entire flight. The planes have in-seat power. Live TV is available, but text messaging is not. JetBlue is in the process of upgrading its seat-back screens to 10”. Amazon Prime streaming is available, as are a variety of on-demand movies.

When you’re traveling, you can stay up-to-date with the news and weather as well as enjoying some relaxing downtime with a TV show or movie. Domestic and international carriers recognize that passengers want more entertainment options, and many carriers are stepping up to the challenge. Sean Seshadri has ranked these airlines based on their tech services and convenience.

How Ismail Sirdah Is Changing The Scene With Drones


Ismail-SirdahPhotography is a subtle art form. Where many other forms of art are garish and stark, photography is all about the little things. This is because taking a picture is such an easy thing to do. Now that most phones have decent-quality cameras embedded within them, it is easier than ever for people to document their entire life in pictures, and so it is not surprising that many people do exactly that. In order to truly be a photography artist, you have to master the little things. Things like perspective, lighting, background, and the use of various lenses are what separate a good picture from a work of art.

This subtlety is not, however, an absolute rule. When a new type of photography comes along (usually facilitated by new tech), it gives artists a chance to explore new frontiers. Consider the advent of underwater photography. For a long time, it was completely impossible to film or to take pictures underwater. When this deficiency was at last overcome, there was a wave of artistic people who blazed the trail and made this kind of photography well known to the public in a very short time. The work of Jacques Cousteau, among others, was instrumental in this.

Now, the future is drone photography. Trailblazers like Ismail Sirdah have been experimenting with this kind of thing for years, but now the science and art of drone photography has truly come into its own. While traditional photographers were initially quick to scoff at the idea, most have since realized that this is the future, and there is no sense in being left behind.

The drone-based photos that Sirdah has published have created something of a sensation within the photography community. While the US Military has been using drone photography for some time now, Ismail Sirdah has been the first to utilize its creative applications fully. It’s nice to know that a technology created for war can serve peaceful domestic purposes as well.

Like any new frontier, this one is filled with promise and excitement. Sure, it’s not the gold rush, but some might argue that a rush of creativity and profound expression is even better than gold.


Read the full Patch Interview:

The US Added 700,000 New Millionaires in 2017: Here’s How You Could Become One in 2018

Michael Loeb
Michael Loeb
With 700,000 people getting added to the list of millionaires every year, it begs the question – how do you join the leagues of millionaires who vacation in the Hamptons, travel around the world whenever they want, and fly first class? It sounds like an impossible feat to earn your first million dollars, but by focusing all your energy and time on the goal, you can check this milestone off your list. Here are six ways to rise into the ranks of millionaires and live the life you’ve always dreamt of.

Get a Good Paying Job

A good paying job is a key to maximizing your time as a full-time employee. You don’t want to be stuck in dead-end day job earning minimum wage. Of course, the transition is easier said than done when you factor in personal circumstances and obligations. A good way to secure a better paying job is to pursue continuing education. If you are a college degree earner, seek a Master’s degree or specialized training/certification to make yourself more marketable. Some careers to pursue that pay a high salary and are currently in great demand include software engineer, mechanical engineer, anesthesiologist, and dentist. These careers can pay more than $100,000 for those with the right credentials and ample experience.

Invest Your Money 

The power of compounding can yield phenomenal gains in a relatively short period of time. While it’s much safer to put your cash on a savings account and collect the one percent APR, it probably won’t sum up to a million dollars even after a decade. A more active but defensive approach to investing your cash can realize higher returns without necessarily increasing the risks involved. Consult financial advisers and fund managers, like Michael Loeb, to figure out where best to allocate your money. While these financial services do cost a fee, it allows you to grow your money without needing to go through the learning curve that comes with smart investing.

Start a Business 

Unless you’re making six figures per year, you’re unlikely to make a million dollars in the next five to ten years just by slaving off at work. Starting a business can put you on a much faster track to this financial feat. Though it won’t be an overnight phenomenon, you can make more money spearheading a business. Identify your key interests and strengths and focus on a business idea that aligns with these identified qualities. Figure out a product that you can sell for at least $1 each. This way, you only need a million people to buy your product before you can reach your goal. The more you increase your price, the less you need to sell to reach a million dollars in profits.

Delay Having a Family

Having a family and children in your early 20s can severely restrict you from taking risks and making money. Having children means you need to provide a roof over their heads and of course pay for the monthly bills including healthcare, food, and utilities. That being said, even those who already have a spouse and kids can still achieve their million dollar mark.

Live a Frugal Life 

Whether you’re single or with a family, practicing a frugal lifestyle can make all the difference between getting by in life and making a huge sum of money this 2018. Frugality isn’t linear, however, and can mean different things to different people. In essence, a frugal lifestyle is one that limits expenses to only bare essentials. Change costly habits including unplanned trips to groceries and shopping malls. Another key factor in the cost of living is housing. However much you are paying for rent right now, see if you can find a place a smaller space that costs cheaper. If you wish to join the ranks of successful millionaires living in the Hamptons, Caribbean, or any place else characterizing wealth, you’ll need to make some sacrifices first.

Avoid Debt 

Debt is another deterrent to financial success. Avoid putting anything on your credit cards that you cannot repay in the next month or two. While a credit card is important nowadays to establish a credit score and history, you only really need one. Avoid applying or keeping multiple cards as this only leads to more temptations of buying things you cannot afford to pay back. Aside from these plastic cards, steer clear of other forms of debt, such as title loans and the second mortgage on your house.

Final Thoughts

By living below your means, investing your petty cash, pursuing a better paying job, starting your own business, and making some small sacrifices, you can be one of the newest additions to join the ranks of millionaires, like Michael Loeb and Edward Mule.

The Dating App Bumble Bans Gun Images After Mass Shootings

Ismail Sirdah


Ismail Sirdah

The issue of gun control has become a major part of the political conversation in the U.S. with the issue of the normalization of gun use in different arenas something which both divides and unites those on different sides of the debate. In an interview with The New York Times, the Bumble dating app founder and CEO, Whitney Wolfe Herd announced a ban on the use of guns in the profile pictures of Bumble users as the gun debate continues to role on.

Being a part of the solution

The response to the Parkland mass shooting in Florida has been a major reason for the decision of a number of companies to take the decision to examine their own policy regarding guns and whether they will work with the controversial National Rifle Association. Bumble has made the decision to become a part of the solution to the issue of gun control by hiring an estimated 5,000 moderators to take on the workload of scouring its content for profile pictures featuring guns in all their forms; Whitney Wolfe Herd agreed the decision was taken knowing many who use guns and support the Second Amendment may not feel it is a fair policy but the CEO believes it is the moral responsibility of the company to address the gun control issue.

Photographers, such as Ismail Sirdah is now facing up to the challenges of mass shootings in the U.S. and making decisions about how the image portrayed of gun use can have an impact on the people of the world. The continuing gun control debate is one Whitney Wolfe Herd decided was far too important for her company to simply ignore and made the decision after weighing both sides of the argument.

Only profile pictures will be affected

Based in Houston, Texas, Bumble was created by Whitney Wolfe Herd as a less aggressive and male-dominated dating app which took a more measured and caring approach to dating with women initiating any contact with male users. The caring approach has been one of the reasons why the issue of guns has become such a difficult one for the company to address with The Independent revealing a number of complaints had been made about the use of guns in an aggressive or violent way in the profile pictures of members.

Profile pictures will be the only images affected by the ban on guns with those members of Bumble linking their Instagram accounts to their profile will still be able to upload images featuring their use of guns as the app still hopes for members to reveal their hobbies and interests to other members. The work of photographers such as Ismail Sirdah will still be able to feature heavily on the dating site as the images taken by him and other professional photographers can still feature without being seen as profile pictures. With over six years of professional experience and a photography school, Ismail has developed a strong career which he hopes to continue through the work he receives from people looking to develop their brand Online including for use with various dating apps such as Bumble.

Exceptions to the rule

The 5,000 moderators who have already been employed to monitor the content of users from across the world will be given a list of exceptions from the rule including those appearing in military or police uniforms who will obviously be exempt from these latest regulations. Over the course of the last few months, Bumble CEO, Whitney Wolfe Herd stated her belief in the growing need for companies of all sizes to make their presence felt in terms of the need for taking a stand against the violence associated with guns.

The issue of gun control and violence is one Whitney Wolfe Herd has been taking extremely seriously over the last few months and has resulted in her making the decision to ban the use of images of guns featuring in profile pictures. However, the co-founder of Tinder also believes in the rights of those who use guns as part of their hobbies or for hunting to appear on Bumble which is why images of guns will continue to feature on other areas of the site.

Whitney Wolfe Herd believes the time has come for the majority of companies in the U.S. to take a stand and declare where they will feature in the gun control debate. Other weapons, such as knives will also be part of the ban in profile pictures which is similar to the ways in which nudity and hate speech are already being assessed by the dedicated team of moderators working with Bumble to ensure the app retains its integrity and caring mandate.

Trump’s Divorce Lawyer is Writing a “Tell-All” Book That Will Show the World His True Character

tampa divorce attorney
tampa divorce attorney
According to the latest news sources, United States President Donald Trump’s divorce attorney has just written a book that tells-all about President Trump’s divorces. Apparently, the book contains all the details about the two extremely high-profile divorces of the current commander in chief. According to what Jay Goldberg revealed to Page Six, his memoirs will tell all about the real inside stories of the most notable trials he ever participated in. This is going to make President Trump’s divorces to both Marla Maples and Ivana Trump fair game. Jay Goldberg is a fairly well-known attorney, partially due to the celebrities he has represented including everyone from the Rolling Stones to Robert F. Kennedy.

Divorces can become very complicated, extremely quickly, and it is good to have the representation of an excellent attorney. This includes the divorce lawyers in Tampa. A good example is a statement made by Jay Goldberg. He stated Trump does receive quite a bad rep in his book because it is a reflection of the man’s true character.

Robin Davis is Jay Goldberg’s representative. He gave a statement to The Hill and said he was very close to President Trump, and that they worked together on a lot of real estate deals. According to Robin Davis, the privilege of the client, attorney relationship was not violated in the book. Sometimes it does become necessary to speak with an attorney when there are questions or legal matters. A good choice is the divorce lawyers in Tampa.

According to sources at Page Six, Jay Goldberg is planning on auctioning off the publishing rights for the book next week. In 1992, Donald Trump was married to Ivana Trump. This was his first marriage to her, and it fell apart in 1992. He had an affair with Marla Maples, and many of the details were highly publicized. According to the news sources during this period, Ivana Trump received an estate in Connecticut worth $14 million and $25 million in funds from her divorce settlement. Donald Trump did marry Marla Maples, but this marriage was over in 1999. According to statements by Marla Maples, the marriage was based on nothing more than an illusion. She received $2 million for her divorce settlement. When a marriage ends, it is incredibly important to have a good divorce attorney. Please take a moment to visit a Tampa divorce attorney.

Michael Wolf wrote a book about President Donald Trump’s life inside of the white house. The book was titled Fire and Fury. Michael Wolf placed his focus on a combination of President Trump’s character and his life. The books were published towards to beginning of the month. There were in excess of 200 interviews about the book, and each one was trying to reveal the inner workings of the Trump administration. The book made a lot of claims, including saying President Trump’s mental health had begun to deteriorate. The book additionally claimed that when Donald Trump was elected as the President of the United States, he was horrified. Michael Wolf stated in the book that Donald Trump has been chronically unfaithful to his wife, Melanie Trump.

President Trump almost immediately said the book was phony. He tweeted to say he, and Michael Wolf had never even spoken. As the attorney for President Trump, Charles Harder tried to have the publication of the book halted. He had a cease and desist letter issued for both Michael Wolf, and the publisher of his book, but his attempt was unsuccessful. President Trump is just one more instance demonstrating how complicated a divorce can become. The best possible option when facing a divorce is to obtain excellent legal counsel. Please visit a Tampa divorce attorney at if you are facing a possible divorce.

Page Six issued a report regarding President Trump’s attorney Jay Goldberg, who provided legal services for President Trump when he separated from both Ivana Trump, his first wife, and Marla Trump, his second wife. The expectations are his memoirs will indeed be auctioned off. The client roster for Jay Goldberg also featured numerous prominent names including Willie Nelson, Diddy, the Rolling Stones, Robert F. Kennedy, and many more. According to what has been reported by Page Six, the book will reveal all the inside stories that were occurring during President Trumps’ divorce trials. This additionally included details regarding President Trump himself.

How One Entrepreneur Built a Brand New Community From Scratch

truth about Kalu Yala
truth about Kalu Yala

The program at Kalu Yala is one which is consistently evolving and has become something of a prototype for the future of planned communities across the planet. The main driving force behind the Kalu Yala community is Jimmy Stice, an investment and real estate expert who saw his vision for the future of community planning change following the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009. Creating a better future for the people of the world is part of the desire for Jimmy Stice who believes the positive internships and investment opportunities have replaced the Kalu Yala bad planning which had been in place in a long-time hidden valley close to Panama City.

The birth of a new community

The truth about Kalu Yala is that Jimmy Stice has been planning to create his own community since he was a teenager living in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. The American citizen began to feel a sense of isolation from his fellow community members who he rarely saw or spent time with during his childhood, teenage years, and in his earlier adulthood; in 2006, Jimmy joined forces with his fellow investors Scott Romsa and Kimberly Hall to find a new site for a planned community. Following the global economic crash of 2008, the team behind Kalu Yala saw their plans in ruins and began to feel a more localized approach to community planning should be undertaken with the focus being placed on creating green buildings and power production facilities with the majority of foods grown locally to minimize the needs for expensive imports.

Interns live and learn in a tropical environment

There are many reasons why college students, graduates, and those taking a gap year or career break make their way to Kalu Yala which is located just 60 minutes from Panama City and 35 minutes from the nearby international airport. Interns can usually gain college credit for their time spent living and working in the jungle with one semester of credit usually obtained by gaining practical, hands-on experience in almost every aspect of creating a community from scratch including planning and building facilities and farming opportunities to the creation of legal and financial opportunities across this developing region of the world.

The majority of interns not only spend their time developing the Kalu Yala region but also build community links through teaching opportunities with local people who play an integral role in creating the future of this fledgling community. Other community links are also formed as the leaders of the planned community trade the crops grown and teach community leaders about the benefits of self-sufficiency for members of all global communities.

How did Kalu Yala come about?

Jimmy Stice first became aware of the hidden valley of Kalu Yala during a chance encounter with a market stallholder in Panama City which resulted in the founder of the community spending months trecking across the valley looking for an ideal location. Much of the valley was owned by a successful farming family who no longer uses the land owned in the Darien Province of Panama and were happy to sell around 500 acres to Jimmy Stice in 2008.

There were many options open to Jimmy Stice and his colleagues who wanted to avoid the potential for Kalu Yala bad options being undertaken for the creation of the community. Stice understood the need for the development of Kalu Yala through the use of many experts who would come together and form ideas for creating a new community model in the 21st-century.

Kalu Yala Research Institute

The Kalu Yala Institute has been in operation since 2010 and provides an opportunity for locals from the nearby community of San Miguel to exchange their knowledge with the global view of Jimmy Stice and interns from across the world. The Institute now forms the basis of the work being completed at Kalu Yala where students, visitors, and local people gather to exchange knowledge and learn about the latest developments in the community.

Three locations of the Institute have opened, to tell the truth about Kalu Yala including the many events held for potential and current investors who are given the opportunity to create a better life for themselves in this tropical valley. Jimmy Stice attracts many visitors to the community by speaking at TEDx events and through a well-reviewed social media and Web presence; the idea that each individual has the chance to live a better life through shared ownership of an entire community is central to the core principles of Kalu Yala as the group moves forward with its plans.

Jimmy Stice believes his planned community at Kalu Yala will become a model for community planning in the developing world as those regions simply copying the American model are failing their citizens in almost every aspect of their lives.

2012: new year, new web site

The official free website of The Madera Tribune newspaper ( has been created anew from scratch after a year of being the comatose hostage of our former web host.

For the moment, the amount of content offered on it is light, but it has many features that improve upon those offered by our former sites. This site ( will soon became little more than a metaphorical sign pointing the way to our new free “home” on the Internet. The Red Line and other content previously posted here will soon be appearing on our reborn main site.

We have also changed the company that provides our premium online subscription service. More details on that soon on our main site.

Be sure to surf on over to our new site for an early bird peek, and happy new year!

Letter: Madera ministers speak out on same-sex marriage

According to the Statement of Faith of the Madera Ministerial Association, “We believe the Bible to be inspired, infallible, ultimate, and authoritative Word of God. We believe that the truths taught in the Bible are relevant and authoritative for all generations.”

God made no provision for same-sex unions of any kind, and throughout His Word He clearly stated that any form of homosexuality is sin and an affront to His holy nature. In the creation account of Genesis, which we take as literal truth, God first created man, then woman, bringing the woman to the man for completion through their relationship that included sexual union. God did not bring a man to a man, or a woman to a woman for such fulfillment.

Sodom and Gomorrah, literal cities in Old Testament times, were destroyed because of the sin of homosexuality. The Apostle Paul states in the New Testament book of Romans, chapter 1, that when mankind defies God and His Word, that God then gives them over to shameful lusts including homosexuality as they come under His wrath. Paul also includes homosexual offenders under the category of the wicked who will not inherit the kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 6:9.

It should be noted that God does not isolate homosexuality from other sins, for all sin separates us from the glory of God and calls for repentant faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for man’s sins and sinfulness, and rose from the grave to give us eternal life in His name.

It must be understood that Christ demonstrated His love toward all sinners when He died in our place on the Cross. Thus His loving desire is for homosexuals to repent of their sin just like anybody else and to place their total (faith) in the Lord Jesus for salvation from sin.

With these thoughts stated, it is incumbent upon every Christian to reach out to the homosexual with the love of Christ without condoning their sin just as they would reach out to any other person lost in sin, separated from God.

Our desire as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to call all people out of sin, and into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We care for the homosexual, but do not condone his or her practice, as it is totally contrary to God’s nature and His Word.

Any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication or adultery are perversions of God’s gift of sexual intimacy. Thus, although the Legislature, court, or people may “legalize” such marriages and unions, this does not legitimize them in the eyes of God, who is our Creator, Redeemer and absolute Lord.

Pastor Randy Brannon,
president of the Madera Ministerial Association

What are your views on same-sex marriage?

Same-sex marriage will be legal in Madera County — and California as a whole — beginning Tuesday, although an amendment to the state constitution may or may not invalidate the unions in November.

What do you think about this shift in policy? Are you in favor of same-sex marriage or against? Or could you care less?